Package net.clackrouter.router.core

Core router class responsible for creating, configuring, running and serializing Clack routers.


Interface Summary
Alerter.Alertable Simple interface for callback to an component that is being "alerted".

Class Summary
Alerter Simple "alarm clock" like class that gives an alert on regular intervals to any classes that registered to be notified.
Router Main router class that contains all components representing a given host in a Clack topology and handles all packet receiving and transmission.
RouterConfig Configures a route based on the context of a saved xml file that details what components are included in the router, how they are configured, and where they are located on the screen.
RouterConfig.ConnectionInfo Simple struct to hold information about an attempt to connect to the VNS server.
RouterManager The RouterManager class handles the creation of Routers, including the attempt to reserver the VNS host.
RouterSerializer Serializes the current components within a router to a file, including their settings (if non-transient) and their location on their screen.

Package net.clackrouter.router.core Description

Core router class responsible for creating, configuring, running and serializing Clack routers.