Package net.clackrouter.application

Support for applications that run on top of a Clack host's network stack.


Class Summary
ClackApplication Abstract class to be sub-classed by all applications to be run on Clack.
ClackShell Simple Command Line Interface for a Clack Router.
HTTPGetter A simple Clack application to send an HTTP request to a webserver and print the response
MiniWebServer A Clack application that acts as a VERY simple webserver
Ping A simplified version of the "ping" command to send ICMP echo requests to a remote host.
TCPRedirector A Clack application that uses a Clack host to proxy to a real Internet host, thus redirecting the TCP traffic.
TCPSocket Implementation of a TCP Socket for use by Clack applications.
UDPRedirector A Clack application that uses a Clack host to proxy to a real Internet host, thus redirecting the UDP traffic.
UDPSocket A socket implementing the UDP protocol for a Clack application.
UDPSocket.HostInfo Simple structure to tell the source address and port of a received datagram

Package net.clackrouter.application Description

Support for applications that run on top of a Clack host's network stack.

Contains both base applications and mechanisms for interacting with these applications.