Implementing the Routing Information Protocol (RIP)


RIP Summary

Building and Running Clack

Basics of Coding within Clack

Clack API's for Routing and RIP

Debugging & Development Tips

Quick Links:   Intro to Clack    Assignment Code    RFC 2453 (RIP)   Clack Demo   Clack APIs  



In this assignment, you will implement a simplified version of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP); a simple intra-domain routing protocol used in some Internet networks. You will implement and test your routing protocol within a virtual network environment called Clack. Clack lets you build a (or in our case, part of a) fully-functional router in Java and has a graphical interface that enables you to visualize the flow of packets both between and within each router.

We will provide you with a network of Clack routers that already contain components to do all packet forwarding, but have no entries in their routing tables. You will implement the last component, a piece of code to implement RIP routing and make your router capable of forwarding traffic. By the end of this project your modified Clack router should be able to build its own forwarding table from RIP advertisements sent by other routers, send the appropriate advertisements to neighboring routers, and route traffic through complex topologies containing multiple nodes.

More specifically, each team will be assigned the virtual network shown in the following figure:

When developing, your code will be be running only on router1, the router at the top-left of the network view. All other routers will already be running "reference implementation" of RIP, while the two hosts do not participate in routing. You need to implement RIP in your Clack router and make it inter-operate with the other routers. When you are done, all routers in the virtual network should be able to use your RIP code on ALL nodes to find any available shortest path to any other router, even if links are disabled or link metrics are changed (see below).

Before explaining more about Clack, we will describe the RIP functionality you must implement for this assignment.

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

This section provides enough details about RIP so that you can implement.

RIP is a routing protocol based on the Bellman-Ford (or distance vector) algorithm.  RIP has been used as the intra-domain routing algorithm in many small-scale  autonomous systems (ASes) in the Internet since the early days of the ARPANET. RIP is limited to networks whose longest path (the network's diameter) is 15 hops.  RIP version 2 is specified in RFC 2453(RIP v2 is backward compatible with RIP v1 specified in RFC 1058). We recommend reading the newer RFC 2453, but you will NOT implement all features supported by RIP version 2.  Below is a brief description of the protocol (adapted from RFC 2453) that outlines the specific functionality your code must support.

RIP Basic Procedure

At a high level, the basic procedure carried out by every entity (i.e., router) that participates in the routing protocol is as follows: 

  • Keep a routing table (or more accurately, a forwarding table) with an entry for every possible destination network. Each routing table entry contains the destination network, the distance D (also called a 'metric' or 'cost') to reach the destination, and the 'next-hop' router G that is the next router on the chosen path to that destination.

  • Periodically, send a routing update to every neighbor. The update is a set of messages that contain all of the information from the routing table. It contains an entry for each destination network, with the distance to reach that destination, as well as timer information indicating how much longer that data should be considered valid.

  • When a routing update arrives from a neighbor G', add the cost associated with the network (i.e., link) that is shared with G'. (This should be the network over which the update arrived.)  Call the resulting  distance D'. Compare the resulting distances with the current routing table entries to that same destination network N. If the new distance D' for N is smaller than the existing value D, adopt the new route. That is, change the table entry for N to have metric D' and router G'. If G' is the router from which the existing route came, i.e., G' = G, then use the new metric even if it is larger than the old one.

More specifically, each node maintains a routing table, with each entry contains at least the following information:

  • Destination address: RIP represents destination networks by a "network address" and a corresponding "network mask", both of which are IPv4 addresses. Commonly, the network address and mask together are referred to as a "network prefix" and written as X.X.X.X / Y, where X.X.X.X is the network address and Y is the length in bits of the network mask.

  • Metric: Total cost of getting a datagram  from the router to that destination network.  This metric is the sum of the costs associated with the networks that would be traversed to get  to the destination.

  • Next hop: The IPv4 address of the next router along the path to the destination. If the destination is on one of  the directly-connected networks, this item is not needed.

  • Time-to-Live Value (TTL): Timer information to determine when routing information is stale.

The entries for the directly-connected networks are set up by the router using information gathered by means not specified in this  protocol.  The metric for a directly-connected network is set to the cost of that network. Typically, 1 is the used as the network cost.  In that case, the RIP metric reduces to a simple hop-count.  More complex metrics may be used when it is desirable to show preference for some networks over others (e.g., to indicate of differences in bandwidth or reliability).

Split Horizon with Poisoned Reverse

To prevent routing loops involving two nodes from occurring and to accelerate convergence in case of link cost changes, RIP uses a scheme called "split horizon with poisoned reverse." The simple split horizon scheme omits routes learned from one neighbor in updates sent to that neighbor. Split horizon with poisoned reverse includes such routes in updates, but sets their metrics to infinity (infinity is typically set to 16, since the maximum path limit in RIP is 15).

Triggered Updates

Split horizon with poisoned reverse will prevent any routing loops that involve only two routers.  However, it is still possible to end  up with patterns in which three routers are engaged in mutual deception.  For example, A may believe it has a route through B, B  through C, and C through A.  Split horizon cannot stop such a loop. This loop will only be resolved when the metric reaches infinity and  the network involved is then declared unreachable.  Triggered updates are an attempt to speed up this convergence.  To get triggered updates, we simply add a rule that whenever a router changes the metric for a route, it is required to send update messages almost  immediately, even if it is not yet time for one of the regular update message.

Message Format

Our simplified RIP protocol uses the IP layer directly to transmit updates to neighbors. Each RIP update contains one or more entries, each of which corresponds to a single network being advertised by some router (note: in your topology, networks correspond to links between routers, or between routers and hosts). Each entry contains four fields, depicted below. The Network Address and Network Mask together define the network being advertised by this entry. The Metric field describes the cost of reaching that network according to the router creating the update packet. Likewise, the TTL field is the time-to-live field for that advertisement, according to the router creating the update.


RIP has several types of timers for sending periodic updates, timing out routes and actually removing routes from the routing table, see RFC 2453 for details. However, you will implement the following simpler timers.

  • Periodic updates: Every 10 seconds, the RIP process sends an unsolicited Response message containing the complete routing table to every neighboring router.
  • Route timeout: RIP maintains a TTL (time to live) field for each dynamic route (i.e., a route learned from a neighboring router. Local routes, which are directly connected networks, have an invalid TTL of -1). When a router announces a local route to a neighbor, it sets the TTL to 20 seconds in the update. When a router places a new route in its routing table, it uses the TTL value from the routing update. If a router sees an update containing a destination/next-hop pair that it is already using, it updates the TTL for that entry in its local routing table. Every 1 second, RIP decrements the TTL of all dynamic routes. If a TTL of a route reaches 0, the route is removed from the routing table.  

Building and Running Clack

In this assignment, you will be programming within a virtual networking environment called Clack. Clack provides a graphical view of a virtual network of routers and allows you to explore inside a router to see what is going on.

While you do not need to become a Clack expert to succeed at this assignment, spending 10 or 15 minutes up-front at will save you time in the long-run. Particularly, the Clack Help Page provide an overview of how Clack works: Read that page before continuing . Additionally, the advanced features on that page will make it much easier to visually debug your routing code in an efficient manner.

Unpacking the Code

Unzip your archive. It should contain the following files:
  1. clack-1.5.jar : The JAR file containing the Clack library

  2. reference.topo : A Clack configuration file that will load Clack with ALL routers running the reference implementation of RIP.

  3. development.topo : A Clack configuration file that will load Clack with 'router1' running YOUR implementation of RIP, and with all other routers running the reference implementation.

  4. finaltest.topo : A Clack configuration file that will load Clack with ALL routers running YOUR implementation of RIP.

  5. : The java file for your implementation of RIP. It already contains the basic boiler-plate for required for Clack components and some initial functionality to get you started.

  6. : A java file to load Clack and make it aware of your new RIP functionality.

The only file of these you will need to modify at any time is You do NOT need to understand the internals of either the configuration files or the RIPClackLoader class.

Running Clack

  1. To test your java runtime setup, we will now try to run Clack without any of your RIP specific code. Run Clack with :

    java -cp clack-1.5.jar net.clackrouter.gui.ClackLoader -f reference.topo
    You should see Clack load and connect, presenting you with a view of your network. If not, make sure that Java is properly installed.
  2. Now we want to run Clack using the RIPRouting component that you can modify. First, build the two java file using:

    javac -cp clack-1.5.jar *.java 

    If this fails, you may have to update to a newer version of your Java compiler (version 1.4 or above).

    Now run your version of Clack with a network configuration file (we choose development.topo in this case):

    java -cp .:clack-1.5.jar RIPClackLoader -f development.topo  

    Important: Notice the addition of the current directory (i.e., ".") to the classpath. On windows, you may need to use a semi-colon ";" instead of a colon to separate entries in the class-path.

    This loads a network of Clack routers, with 'router1' using your RIP implementation and all other routers using the reference implementation. Notice that the console output includes statements contained within your file. Clack should indicate an error on 'router1', which drops each RIP packet is receives.

This is all you need to know about compiling and running Clack so that you can add your own RIP functionality.

The Basics of Coding within Clack

Using the "development.topo" configuration file, router1 will be fully configured with Clack components to make a full router, except that the RIPRouting component will be a stub that you must complete. The RIPRouting component has one input port for accepting routing packets and one output port for sending routing packets.

The Clack Javadoc will be essential in understanding and using Clack APIs.

Handling Packets within Clack

Packets within Clack are represented by Java objects that expose the contents of a packet at a particular level of encapsulation. For example, you will be dealing exclusively with packets of the type IPPacket or RIPRoutingUpdate . Each component within a Clack router accepts packets objects on input ports, and passes those (potentially modified) packets to other router components via output ports.

Its important that you get to understand the RIPRoutingUpdate class well, including its child class RIPRoutingUpdate.Entry . A RIPRoutingUpdate packet represents a RIP update sent from one router to another and contains a RIPRoutingUpdate.Entry for each advertised network contained in the routing announcement.

When your RIPRouting component receives or sends a packet, it will be a IPPacket with RIP data as its payload. You can extract a RIPRoutingUpdate object from an IPPacket using:

	IPPacket ip_packet = ....; 
	RIPRoutingUpdate update = new RIPRoutingUpdate(ip_packet.getBodyBuffer());
Outgoing RIPRoutingUpdate packets can be encapsulated in IP using the static IPPacket.wrap() method, which returns an IP packet with the supplied RIP packet as payload. For example:

	InetAddress src, dst = .... ;
	RIPRoutingUpdate update = new RIPRoutingUpdate();
	VNSIPPacket ip_packet = VNSIPPacket.wrap(update, VNSIPPacket.PROTO_CLACK_RIP, src, dst);

Implementing Your RIP Component

Each Clack component is a Java object that extends the base class ClackComponent. These component pass packets from one component to another in order to implement all router functionality.

Your RIP component has only a single input port to receive packets. It receives all IP traffic addressed to a router interface that does not have the protocol type of: TCP, UDP, or ICMP. It receives these packets from the L3Demux component. To receive packets your component implements the ClackComponent.acceptPacket method:

    	public void acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number) {
    		if(port_number != PORT_UPDATE_IN) return;
    	       	IPPacket ip_packet = (IPPacket)packet;
		// now look inside IP header and payload ... 	

NOTE: Your RIP component's input port will only accept packets of the class IPPacket, so the cast from VNSPacket to IPPacket is always safe.

To send packets to other components, you "push" them out a different port. In the case of the RIP component, its only output port is connected to the IPRouteLookup component in charge of forwarding all IP packets for that router. This means that to send a RIP update, you must encapsulate it in an IPPacket with correct source and destination addresses, then push it through the "out" port using the ClackComponent.sendOutPort method:

	VNSIPPacket ip_packet = (VNSIPPacket)packet;
	sendOutPort(ip_packet, PORT_UPDATE_OUT);

Routing and RIP API's

Most code that you will need for this assignment is in the net.clackrouter.routing package. We outline the classes here, see the javadoc for more in-depth details:

  • RoutingTable :
    Your skeleton RIPRouting component already has an instance variable mRtable, which allows you to add and remove routes from your routing table. Information is communicated to and from the routing table using the RoutingEntry interface.
  • RIPRoutingEntry :
    Specifically, you will be using a sub-class of RoutingEntry, RIPRoutingEntry. It includes fields for all information that you will need to include for each entry in a RIP routing table.
  • LocalLinkInfo :
    This is a data-structure that holds information about a single local link. From within any RIPRouting method, you can get access to a Hashtable of LocalLinkInfo objects, use the call:
    	Hashtable local_links = getRouter().getLocalLinkInfo();
  • LocalLinkChangedListener: This is a simple call-back interface already set-up for you in the starter code. Your RIP component's localLinkChanged() method will be called any time a a link connected to that router is disabled/enable, or has its metric changed.
  • Alarm : You will need timers to know when to send out periodic updates and decrement TTL values for routing table entries. The ClackComponent class supports timers using the Alarm interface. An example is provided in the starter code. An alarm must be rescheduled in order to implement a periodic timer.

Debugging & Development Tips

Again, we stress the important of reading the Clack Introduction help page. Of particular interest will be:

  • The ability to see routing tables in the network level view (the button).
  • How Clack signals that an error has occurred within some network component.
  • Slowing and pausing time within the Clack network.
  • Using the Ethereal-like packet analyzer that is built into Clack.
  • Using the new "All-Pairs Reachability" test to automatically tell if your routing set-up is working correctly.
These tools are simple to use and will make this project much easier.

Using the Clack Shell

You will need to use the Clack Shell, a simple command-line interface, to test your RIP implementation. The Clack Shell mimics a shell you would find on any unix computer, and is described here .

First, you will use the 'ping' command to generate traffic to test whether you have all of the valid forwarding entries installed. Click on the button and select a particular host in order to "log into" a shell on that host. Then ping any of the IP addresses in your network. Ping well tell you whether those pings where successful, and you can use the network view to see how packets are forwarded across the network.

You'll also need the shell to change link characteristics using the ifconfig commend.

Enable/disable a link by specifying the router interface that is connected to that link (double-clicking on the link in the network view also works):

	ifconfig eth2 up  
	ifconfig eth1 down

Change the metric (cost) for a router to use a particular link, again by specifying the local interface of that link

	ifconfig eth2 metric 10

View the status of each interface, including current up/down status and link metrics, etc.

	ifconfig all

Note: There is a subtle difference between using the shell to enable/disable a link and using the shell to change a link's metric. The action of enabling or disabling a link affects routers on both ends of the link, causing the localLinkChanged() methods of both routers to be called. Conversely, the act of changing a weight affects only the local router.

Printing Output

Your RIPRouting component already comes with a convenience method dumpRIPRoutingTable() to print a routing table to standard out on your machine and you can of course always dump additional debugging output to standard out. Additionally, each component has its own individual log, which can be viewed by double-clicking the component and using the "log" tab at the bottom of the property view. As a programmer, you can use either the log(String s) or error(String s) methods of the ClackComponent class to write to the log. The difference between the two is that the latter also writes the String to standard error and cause the component to propagate a visual error in the GUI.

Development Tips

  • Remember to use the .equals() functionality when testing for equality with objects such a String or InetAddress . Using == will simply check pointer equality.

  • Using an IDE, such as Eclipse , with syntax completion can speed things up significantly when you are working with an unfamiliar API. Many IDE's also have graphical debugging and exception handling capabilities.

  • If you are not familiar with some of the standard Java classes used in Clack (e.g., InetAddress or Hashtable), use the Java API docs .

  • In-depth information about creating components for Clack is available in the Clack Developer Doc .

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